What to Plant Now
Bedding Plants > Perennials

Perennials are plants that appear year after year without reseeding or replanting. They may die to the ground during part of the year, but return to full form when their season returns. A few cold sensitive perennials should be used as annuals in northern parts of the county or may require additional mulching to protect the root system from freeze damage during the winter. Ask your Certified Professional for more details on how a particular perennial will perform in your area.
Purple Heart
Also know as a Wandering Jew, this plant is prized for its beautiful foliage and tiny pale pink to deep purple flowers from spring through summer. Foliage colors best in full sun; plant 12-18" apart. Purple Hearts are very easy to grow, and attract butterflies
Rock Rose
Beautiful single, rose-pink flowers from spring through fall. This Texas native is extremely drought tolerant. Plant in full sun to partial shade spaced 2-3" apart. Periodic shearing keeps the 2-3" plant compact and in flower.
Rose Mallow/Hardy Hibiscus
Huge, dramatic flowers in red, white, or pink, often with a contrasting eye from summer to frost. The blooms on this 3-6" plant may reach 8-12" across. Plant in full to partial sun, spaced 3-4" across. This is a low water use perennial and will tolerate heat and drought.
Small clusters of light lavender-blue flowers spring through fall. Prostate and upright varieties average available averaging anywhere from 1-3" tall. Full sun to partial shade works well for this plant that endures hot sun and poor soil with the watering once established. Plant 12-18" apart and pinch tips to control growth and to keep compact.
Russian Sage
In summer, spikes of lavender-blue flowers are borne among gray foliage. Prune the 3-4" tall plant occasionally during summer to keep shape and promote flowering. Will tolerate some drought, and thrives in heat and full sun. When planting space 2-3" apart.
Flowers range in color from white, yellow, pink, and red to purple from summer to fall. This low-water plant does well in full sun, spaced 12-18" apart. Pinch occasionally to keep 2-24" plants compact.
Shasta Daisy
White, daisy like flower with a contrasting yellow eye generously cover the bushy plant from summer to frost. Plant in full sun to partial shade, in well-drained soil, approximately 12-18" apart. Flowers are good for cutting and attract butterflies.
Shrimp Plant
Exotic looking coppery white flower spikes resemble large shrimp and blooms from summer into fall. Plant in full sun to partial shade spaced 18-24" apart. This plant averages 2-3", but can be pinched continually for compactness. Shrimp plants attract butterflies.
Summer Phlox
Large, domed-shaped cluster of flowers in white, shades of red, pink and lavender in summer. Full sun allows for growth of 18-30" tall and 15-18" across. Remove spent flower heads for re-bloom in late summer. Does best in highly organic soils. Blooms have sweet scent and attract butterflies. Excellent cut flowers.
Texas Bluebell
Tulip-shaped flowers from clumps of gray-green foliage 12-24" high from summer to fall. Plant in full to partial sun, spaced 12-18" apart, with good drainage. Newer hybrid varieties available in blue, pink and white. Remove spent blossoms to lengthen flower season.