What to Plant Now

A well placed shade tree can lower your roof and wall temperatures by 20 degrees or more and help you save over 10% on your electrical bill. Trees help stabilize your neighborhood and add significantly to the value of your home. Homes sell faster in neighborhoods with mature trees.
Aristocrat® Flowering Pear
A pyramidal, deciduous with lustrous, dark green shimmering leaves with a wavy edge that makes it distinct. Fall color ranges from yellow to red, and masses of white flowers cover the tree in early spring. Adaptable for all areas and makes an excellent ornamental tree for spring color. This low water tree has an average landscape size of 30"T x 15"W.
Arizona Ash
A fast-growing, deciduous, shade tree that withstands hot, dry conditions and low water usage. Pyramidal when young; spreading, more open when mature. Average landscape size is 45"T x 35"W.
Bald Cypress
Large, upright tree that thrives in wet waterlogged conditions as well as rather dry soil. Foliage turns bright orange-brown in fall. Pyramid shaped when young and rounded with age. Deciduous tree native to Texas with an average size of 70"T x 40"W.
Bradford Pear
Upright symmetrical growing ornamental tree with white flowers in early spring and purplish red foliage in the fall. Many other flowering pear varieties, each with different flowering qualities and growth characteristics. A deciduous tree with an average landscape size of 35"T x 20"W.
Bur Oak
Large rounded, deciduous shade tree native to Texas. Yellow fall color. Large ornamental acorns (golf ball size) are real novelty. Tolerates drought and poor soils; adaptable to all areas. Average landscape size of 60"T x 60"W.
Chinese Pistache
Large, deciduous shade tree with beautiful fall color; scarlet, crimson, orange, sometimes yellow tones. Female specimen bear clusters of red fruit. Easy to grow requiring little water, making it tolerant to drought and poor soil. Young trees often gawky and lopsided, but become dense and shapely several years later, averaging 60"T x 50"W.
Small rounded ornamental, deciduous tree noted for its profusion of beautiful pure white flowers in early spring. Leaves have red fall color. Native to East Texas; averaging 25"T x 20"W . Performs best in high shade; screen from hot western sun and prefers well-drained acid soils. Many different varieties available including pink and red flowering varieties.
Globe Willow
Large, spreading, round-topped shade tree that is tolerant to heat, drought and poor soil. Deciduous tree good for most areas in full sun. Tree averages 60"T x 60"W.
Japanese Maple
A round-headed, delicious tree with deeply lobed leaves which can turn a magnificent color of orange to yellow or red in fall. Small, purple-red flowers are followed by red fruit in late summer. Shade is important for this tree; size varying by variety. Some are excellent choices for small gardens, large containers and bonsai.
Little Gem Magnolia
This compact, upright, evergreen shrub is one of the smallest of the magnolias. The lustrous dark green leaves are covered with a bronzy brown pubescence below. With creamy-white flowers bloom from midsummer to fall. An excellent flowering shrub for smaller places with partial shade; also makes a good medium sized screen or hedge plant, averaging 25"T x 15"W.