What to Plant Now
Vines and Ground Cover

Vines can be used as sun screens, insulating your house to save on electric bills or cooling a patio. Vines add life to stark fences and walls, making them much more attractive. Ground covers are a low maintenance water wise alternative to lawn grasses, especially in trouble areas where grass will not grow.
A popular ground cover plant that spreads quickly by runners. Bears spikes of blue flowers in summer. Many varieties available, some with bronze or variegated foliage. Evg. ALS - 4"T and spreading.
Algerian Ivy
Vigorous growing vine or ground cover that clings to tree trunks, walls, or fences with ease. Resembles English Ivy except leaves are larger. Although typically evergreen. Algerian Ivy is frost tender in some areas. Green and variegated forms available. Evg. Climbs from 15' to 25'.
Asian Jasmine
Very popular fast growing ground cover. Spreads by runners. Many different leaf forms available including variegated. Heat, drought and poor soil tolerant. Evg. ALS - 6-12".
Aztec Grass
An attractive spreading plant with green and white variegated, grass-like leaves. Pale lilac flowers appearing in summer are often hidden by the foliage. Makes a colorful highlight or good border plant in any garden. Grows best in moist but well-drained soil. Evg. ALS - 1'T x 1'W.
Tropical flouring shrubs and vines valued for their vibrantly colored blossoms. Grown outside in the landscape in extreme south Texas. A great patio pot plant in other area of the state where they can be protected or treated as annuals and replaced each season. Many colors to choose from including white, red, orange, yellow, pink, and purple. Both single and double forms. Evg/Dec. ALS - 8'T x 8'W.
Carolina Jessamine
Fast growing compact vine producing masses of bright yellow flowers in early spring. Climbs by twining. Good on fences, over patios, or trellises. Evergreen to semi-evergreen. Climbs to 25'.
Coral Honeysuckle
Beautiful blue-green foliage and bright coral-red flowers in spring and summer make this vine worth planting. Heat and drought tolerant. Climbs by twining. Perfect for chain-link fences, arbors, or trellises. Attracts hummingbirds. Semi-Evg. Climbs to 8-10'.
Coral Vine
Fast growing vine with beautiful intense rose-pink flowers from summer to fall. Tolerates poor soil, heat and drought. Perfect for patio fence or garden wall. Climbs by tendrils. Usually dies back to the ground each winter. Dec. ALS - climbs to 40'
Easy to grow vine that provides abundant blooms spring through summer. Attaches itself to most surfaces. 'Tangerine Beauty' is an outstanding variety. Semi-Evg. to Evg. ALS - 30 feet long.
Dwarf Japanese Garden
Fast growing ground cover with blue-green compact foliage and curved branches that radiate in all directions. A good patio potted plant. Prefers well-drained soil. Evg. ALS - 1'T x 4'W.