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What to Plant Now


Ferns grow naturally from the tip of South America to Alaska. Many do very well in residential and commercial landscapes and as interior-scape plantings.

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Asparagus Fern
Popular hanging basket or trailing pot plant and ground cover. Tolerates heat and poor soil. Bright green feathery foliage is perfect for tropical settings. 'Sprengeri Compacta,' a form with shorter denser stems, is also available. Good pot plant in colder areas. Evg. ALS - 2'T x 4'W

Holly Fern
Evergreen coarse-textured fern with leathery green leaves. Makes excellent ground cover under trees in cool moist locations.

Wood Fern
A widely available evergreen fern, also known as River Fern. The coppery-red new fronds contrast nicely with the older shiny, dark green fonds. One of the easiest ferns to establish, and provides a picturesque plant for borders or woodland gardens. Grows best in moist, humus-rich soil. Evg. ALS - 2'T x 15'W

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