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Landscaping Tips & Ideas

Before you buy or plant anything, decide on a plan. This first step is crucial to creating the exact look you want. Adding plants or trees just because there is a space usually doesn’t work and leads to a “hodge-podge” look.

When planning your landscaping, keep in mind these questions:

  • Will the final result be formal or natural?
  • Do you want to create a dramatic effect with your landscaping?
  • Do you prefer the landscaping to blend in and compliment the style of your home?

Once these decisions have been made, map out the areas of your yard to be landscaped and note which areas are in the sun or shade and where trees might interfere with your roof line or block a view.

Once a plan has been decided upon, write in the varieties that are best suited to the specific conditions in the different areas of your plan.

For example, in the shaded areas of your yard, Impatiens, Periwinkles, Ferns and most ground covers work well. In dry shade, many varieties of Hostas and English or other ivys are recommended.

For a more dramatic look, a long sweep of the same color flowers works better than a mixture of different colored flowers.

Your long term success will depend on sticking to the original plan and preparing the soil before you plant. Conditioning the soil and adding mulch will produce optimum plant growth and greatly reduce the number weeds. An added benefit is the reduced amount of water that will be required to maintain a beautiful and healthy landscape.

To have your soil professionally tested contact The Texas Agriculture Extension Service. The Soil Testing Laboratory can be reached at (979) 645-4816.