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What to Plant Now

Bedding Plants > Perennials

Perennials are plants that appear year after year without reseeding or replanting. They may die to the ground during part of the year, but return to full form when their season returns. A few cold sensitive perennials should be used as annuals in northern parts of the county or may require additional mulching to protect the root system from freeze damage during the winter. Ask your Certified Professional for more details on how a particular perennial will perform in your area.

Texas Gold Columbine
Large, bright yellow flowers bloom in late spring. This variety is able to tolerate hot weather in filtered shade, unlike many Columbines. Average size is 3-4" high and 24-30" wide. Excellent choice in the perennial garden as it is long-lived and re-seeds freely. Attracts hummingbirds.

Turk's Cap
Showy bright red flowers that never completely open from late spring through fall. Full sun to partial shade works best; Turk"s Caps are heat tolerant and use little water. The shrub-like perennial that averages 4-5" high and 3-4" across. Dies to the ground in winter but emerges again in the spring when their flowers attract hummingbirds.

Clusters of flowers ranging in color from bright red, purple, pink and white bloom all summer. Plant in full sun; very heat and drought tolerant, but does not like wet soil. Requires little attention once established. Plants are anywhere from 2-12" high and 12-18" across. Choose from a wide assortment of varieties, each with different growth habits.

Spikes of deliciously fragrant purple flowers in spring. Plant in full sun to partial shade spaced 18" apart. Give this 30" plant excellent drainage. Great for bouquets.

Numerous flat-topped flower clusters in colors of bright yellow, white, red, pink, salmon, or light lavender in summer. Plant in full sun to partial shade; tolerates heat and drought with low water use. Fernlike gray-green foliage averages 2-3" high and 12-15" across. Remove spent blossoms to extend flower season.