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What to Plant Now

Bedding Plants > Perennials

Perennials are plants that appear year after year without reseeding or replanting. They may die to the ground during part of the year, but return to full form when their season returns. A few cold sensitive perennials should be used as annuals in northern parts of the county or may require additional mulching to protect the root system from freeze damage during the winter. Ask your Certified Professional for more details on how a particular perennial will perform in your area.

Gerbera Daisy
Brightly colored flowers rise among foliage on single stems in colors of red, pink, salmon, yellow, white and orange from spring until fall. Plant in full to partial sun spaced 12-18" apart. Mulch heavily and provide good drainage. Do not ever let soil mound above crown of plant. The 12-24" plant makes great cut flowers.

Goldsturm Black-eyed Susan
Large, golden yellow daisy-like flowers with blackish-brown disks bloom from late summer to mid-fall, and contrasts beautifully with the dark green foliage. In spring, plant in full sun 12-18" apart for plants 12-24" high. Does well in any type of soil and is easy to grow.

Grown primarily for their colorful foliage and beautiful mounding form. Bold, textured leaves may be green, blue green, yellow or variegated. Flowers rise from the center of the plant in summer and may be in shades of blue to white. This shade loving plant averages 15-30" tall and 12-24" across, and needs highly organic soil.

Indigo Spires Sage
A salvia featuring very large spikes of intense, rich blue-purple flowers from spring until frost. Forms beautiful large spreading mounds. This full sun plant is very tolerant to heat and drought, requiring full sun to prosper. Excellent cut flowers come from this 3-4" tall and 4-5" across plant.

Louisiana Iris
Large flowers atop 2-4" tall foliage in colors from purple and lavender to yellow, white and red in summer. Good cut flowers. Place in full to partial sun spaced 12-18" apart. Plants require frequent feedings and water during winter and spring to stay vigorous. Mulch to keep roots cool and moist.

Louisiana Phlox
Open clusters of vibrant bluish-purple or pinkish-blue, varying to white flowers in spring. Prefers light shade and good deep acid soil. Plant averages 12-18" high and 8-12" wide and is somewhat fragrant.

Mexican Bush Sage
Long, slender, velvety purple or deep rose flower spikes with small white flowers in fall. Rose and deep rose-purple forms available. Full sun to partial shade works best for this low water use plant. Average size is 3-5" tall and wide. Excellent cut flowers.

Mexican Marigold Mint
Clusters of golden yellow flowers from fall until first frost. Place this low water use plant in full sun; it is very drought tolerant. Plant averages 18-24" high and 12-18" across. Leaves have a pleasing anise-like scent when crushed. Native to Mexico where foliage is used for teas and seasoning.

Mexican Petunia
Lavender, petunia-like blooms from spring to frost. Plant this low-water plant in full sun to partial shade. Among the many different types are "Blue Shade", a ground cover variety and "Katie", a small, bushy, clumpy variety. Can grow anywhere from 8-30" high and 12-14" across.

Beautiful clusters of pink, violet, red or white blooms from summer through fall. Plant can be 2-3" high and should be spaced 18-24" apart. Plant in partial sun; it will benefit from afternoon shade. Remove spent flowers for season-long bloom. Star-shaped flower clusters attract butterflies.