What to Plant Now

An important element of any landscape, shrubs not only provide beauty but help screen, shade and protect your home. Shrubs come in all shapes, sizes, colors and textures ready for you to create a design that fulfills your special needs.
Texas Mountain Laurel
An evergreen tree with elegant, pinnate leaves and a native of Texas and New Mexico. Fragrant, sweetpea like violet-blue flowers bloom in spring, followed by bright red seeds Evg. ALS - 20'T x 15'W.
Texas Sage
Rounded shrub with beautiful silvery foliage. Beautiful orchid-lavender bell-shaped flowers. Tolerates heat and poor soil. Evg./Dec. ALS - 6'T x 4'W.
Variegated Ginger
A robust, upright plant. Pale green flowers bloom in summer from green, pink-tinged bracts. Evg. ALS - 3'T x 3'W.
Variegated Pittosporum
A large shrub usually rounded and dense with erect sturdy stems. Large clusters of very fragrant white flowers that smell like citrus blossoms bloom in spring amid a combination of light green and white leathery leaves. Evg. ALS - 6'T x 4'W.
Beautiful shrubs with various leaf and flower forms. Blooms in spring. Evg./Dec. ALS - depend on variety selected.
Waxleaf Ligustrum
A compact, upright growing, vigorous evergreen shrub with large glossy, deep green leaves. Unsheared plants produce a profusion of white blossoms in the spring, followed by dark blue berries. Evg. ALS - 8'T x 5'W.